America is the leader of the free world and should not back down from this responsibility.
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Our immigration system is broken. We must act swiftly to ensure we keep the American people safe and enforce the rule of law. Border security must come first.
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Our economy thrives when government and bureaucracy get out of the way of innovation and entrepreneurship.
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Education plays such a vital role in our society, ensuring that Americans are well prepared to enter the workforce.
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Texas is an energy leader in the world.
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Our country is at a crossroads: do we get our fiscal house in order, or continue to kick the can and put the growing burden on the next generation?
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For Texans in the 2nd District, flooding is fresh on our minds and we deserve leaders in Congress who are dedicated to finding the right policy solutions and implementing them quickly.
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I understand all too well the experience of being a patient in socialized medicine, both in the military and the VA.
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