House GOP Twitter Account Calls for Slashing Social Security & Medicare

September 19, 2022

From the Speaker's Press Office:

Today, House Republicans began unveiling their extreme MAGA “Commitment to America” agenda – kicking off the roll out by spotlighting their continued commitment to a long-standing GOP agenda obsession: slashing Social Security & Medicare.

That’s House Republicans’ official twitter mouthpiece telling its 1.3 million followers to read that Republicans believe they have not only the opportunity but the responsibility to start slashing the Social Security and Medicare that seniors rely upon: “we must begin addressing the real debt drivers – mandatory spending programs…”


And why wouldn’t House Republicans tweet it? After all, the American people hate it, but inside the extreme MAGA GOP, slashing Social Security and Medicare is actually a very broadly held position:

The first pillar of House Republicans’ “Commitment to America” is clear: a commitment to destroy Social Security and Medicare.