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New Publications

Publications not previously granted Congressional credentials should be aware that the initial credentialing review process may be lengthy and can take on average between 6 months to one year.

To begin the application process, please call our office at 202-225-2941.


 1. A letter of introduction* on publication letterhead with the signature of the bureau chief or managing editor. The letter should:

  • Verify full-time employment
  • Justify the need of Congressional press credentials
  • Guarantee that the applicant has read and will abide by the rules and a contact number for the signatory 

       * A sample letter of introduction is available for download in MS Word format. 

2. Upon acceptance into the Periodical Press Gallery, a $5.00 check or money order per reporter made payable to “Periodical Correspondents’ Association” must be submitted. Cash cannot be accepted.


Please note: Print publications may be asked to submit two recent copies of the publication for review purposes.



House Periodical Press Gallery - H-304, U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC 20515

202-225-2941 |