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Included on this web page are interactive exhibits and informative essays that provide additional insight into the history of the U.S. Senate. The exhibits are divided into three categories Art and Architecture, History, and People.

Arthur E. Scott CollectionArthur E. Scott Collection
Capitol Scenes: 1900-1950Capitol Scenes: 1900-1950
Civil War I50-38_00724Civil War Sesquicentennial: The Senate's Story
Classic Senate SpeechesClassic Senate Speeches
United States ConstitutionConstitution Day
FuneralFunerals & Memorial Services held in the Senate Chamber
Idea of the Senate: Artifact-38_00029Idea of the Senate
Half Century of Inaugural Images cropInaugurations at the U.S. Capitol
Desk Crop 2Senate Chamber Desks
Cropped Gallery Pass ImageSenate Chamber Gallery Passes
FuneralSenate Chamber Gallery Passes: 1868 Impeachment
The journy through the history of the U.S. Senate, exhibiting paintings, illustrations, and photographs.States in the Senate
World War II: The Senate and the Nation's CapitolThe Senate and the Second World War
Learn about the Senate’s long road to approving the Nineteenth Amendment. The Senate and Women’s Fight for the Vote
The Senate Through the AgesThe Senate Through the Ages