Agriculture is the backbone of the American economy. Nowhere is that more evident than right here in the state of Minnesota. As the nation’s top producer of turkey, sugar beets, oats, sweet corn, and green peas, and a leader in soybean, dairy, pork, beef, and corn production, Minnesota is recognized as an agricultural leader throughout the world.

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The world that we inhabit today is constantly changing and improving as a result of technology, which has flourished under limited, light-touch regulation. Technological advances are frequently thanks to American innovation, ingenuity, and our pioneering spirit.
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Regulations, reckless government spending, a complex tax system, and the highest corporate income tax rate in the world have all limited economic growth and raised concerns regarding the future prosperity of America.

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For the past 50 years, the United States’ relationship with Cuba has been one of isolation – it is clear this policy has been a failure. The voices of our policy makers must represent the voices of the overwhelming majority of Americans who favor improving our relationship with Cuba.

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As a father of seven, I understand that America’s education system should be as diverse and individual-oriented as the people it serves. Education is the cornerstone of building and protecting a strong, competitive workforce.
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Growing up in the Land of 10,000 Lakes with my family’s lumber business, I know that job creation and protecting the environment are not mutually exclusive endeavors. There is a delicate balance between maintaining our state’s abundant resources and encouraging economic output and growth.
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The financial services sector in Minnesota is an impressive part of our business community and key industry throughout our state. In Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District alone, we have hundreds of banks and numerous credit unions supporting nearly 60,000 of Minnesotans in finance related fields.
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America must act as a global force for good, but not the world’s policeman. We must work to isolate the governments of regimes that threaten global stability and security, while working with nations to improve the lives of their citizens and protect American interests abroad.

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I lost my sister, Bridget, to breast cancer in January 2000. What my family faced and families across the country face when challenged by life-threatening disease and injuries is a reminder why medical innovation and research is so important.
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In nearly two decades since the attacks on 9/11, American defense and homeland security have faced seismic shifts. Technological advancements coupled with increased demand for a U.S. military presence abroad has begun to expose cracks in our procurement process, national security strategy, and our protection of civil liberties.
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The Second Amendment is an essential civil right and a significant part of our heritage in Minnesota. Our founders understood that an individual’s right to keep and bear arms is a crucial individual liberty, and protection against tyrannical government.
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Our seniors have laid the foundation for the rich traditions and thriving communities we see throughout Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District. Senior citizens offer wisdom, varied experiences, and deep insights. 
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Trade agreements help spur economic growth, create high-paying jobs, and protect consumers. Policies that will foster innovation and efficiency while working to create a level playing field for all American workers and businesses are vital to our success as a nation.
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Investment in transportation infrastructure is a paramount duty of government and has a tangible effect on economic growth.
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As a nation we have a sacred obligation to our veterans. Those who have sacrificed so much must know that their voices are being heard in Congress. I will work diligently with my colleagues to help ensure proper oversight of the Veterans Administration to protect the benefits our veterans have earned.
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