The financial services sector in Minnesota is an important part of our business community and key industry throughout our state. In Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District alone, we have hundreds of banks and numerous credit unions supporting nearly 60,000 Minnesotans in finance-related fields. On top of those who work directly with the financial industry in Minnesota, there are thousands employed by one of Minnesota’s 17 Fortune 500 companies. These companies rely heavily on the financial industry for capital formation and insurance.

As a member of the Financial Services Committee, I am focused on increasing access to credit, improving capital formation, and increasing access to our financial system for every American.

Here is some of my more recent work which will help more Americans realize their version of the American Dream:

  • Capital formation is a primary focus of mine on the House Financial Services Committee. That’s why I introduced the Main Street Growth Act, which would establish venture exchanges to help small and emerging companies gain access to capital.
  • As Ranking Member of the Financial Technology Task Force, I have led several efforts to support new and innovative technologies that could expand access to credit and financial services.
  • Minnesota has a strong financial services industry, both in the Twin Cities and in all of our communities. That’s why I support community banks and efforts to tailor regulations so they aren’t onerous on smaller financial institutions that support our rural economy.