September 2020

Date Title
9/8/20 Armed Services and Oversight Subcommittees Open Investigation Into Recent Service Member Deaths at Fort Hood
9/8/20 HASC Schedule: September 14 - 18
9/5/20 Chairman Smith Statement on Trump’s Lack of Respect for the Military

August 2020

Date Title
8/26/20 Smith and Menendez Statement on the Immense Costs of Allowing the New START Treaty to Expire
8/26/20 Armed Services, Oversight, and Intelligence Committees Urge DOD IG Review Retaliation Against Lieutenant Colonels Alexander and Yevgeny Vindman
8/17/20 Smith and Thornberry Statement on Prospect of a Presidential Pardon for Edward Snowden
8/15/20 Smith Statement on Israel and United Arab Emirates Agreement
8/14/20 Committee Chairs Smith and DeFazio Lead 68 Members of Congress in Pressing President Trump on National Guard and FEMA Cost-Sharing Requirements
8/11/20 Smith and Reed Statement on Title 32 Authorities for State Response to COVID-19
8/2/20 Smith Statement on Anthony Tata’s Senate Confirmation Failure

July 2020

Date Title
7/29/20 Smith Statement on Proposed Troop Reposition and Drawdown in Germany
7/28/20 Smith Statement on DoD Line Items in the Senate Republican’s COVID Supplemental Bill
7/22/20 HASC Schedule: July 27– 31
7/21/20 Democratic-Led House Passes Annual Defense Bill for the 60th Consecutive Year
7/20/20 Annual Defense Bill Comes to the Floor
7/20/20 Smith, Thompson, Nadler Joint Statement on Trump Administration’s Action in Portland
7/17/20 Smith Statement on DOD’s Ban on the Public Display of the Confederate Flag
7/14/20 Smith, Waters, Engel, Thompson and Pallone Seek Information on Trump Administration Failures to Boost Production of PPE and Testing As COVID-19 Cases Spike
7/14/20 Smith and Thornberry Joint Statement on the U.K.'s Decision to Protect Their Telecom Networks From Huawei
7/6/20 Smith, Khanna Statement in Support of UN Envoy Martin Griffiths Peace Efforts in Yemen

June 2020

Date Title
6/30/20 HASC Schedule: July 6 – 10
6/29/20 Smith Statement on Russia’s Reported Bounties on American Soldiers
6/27/20 Chairman Smith Releases H.R. 6395 The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021
6/25/20 Chairman Smith Releases Summary of H.R. 6395 The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021
6/24/20 HASC Subcommittee Marks as Reported for H.R. 6395 The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021