You can find my positions on recent votes below. Click here to see legislation I've sponsored; click here to see legislation I've co-sponsored. As always, please contact my office to share your thoughts.

Recorded Votes

Date Question Position Result
3/1/21 On the Resolution in the House
H.Res. 179: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1) to expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the p
Nay Passed
3/1/21 On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 179: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1) to expand Americans’ access to ... Nay Passed
2/26/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
H.R. 1319: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
Nay Passed
2/26/21 On Motion to Recommit: H.R. 1319: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Yea Failed
2/26/21 On the Resolution in the House
H.Res. 166: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1319) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of S. Con. Res. 5.
Nay Passed
2/26/21 On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 166: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1319) to provide for reconciliation pursuant ... Nay Passed
2/26/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
H.R. 803: Colorado Wilderness Act of 2021
Nay Passed
2/26/21 On Motion to Recommit: H.R. 803: Colorado Wilderness Act of 2021 Yea Failed
2/26/21 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 13 (Neguse) to H.R. 803: Amendments en bloc comprised of the following amendments printed in Part B of House Report 117-6 as en bloc No. 2: Nos. 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, and 29.
Yea Failed
2/26/21 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 12 (Curtis) to H.R. 803: To require a study to determine if any land withdrawn by this legislation contains geothermal resources, or minerals needed for battery storage, renewable energy technology, or electric vehicles.
Yea Agreed to
2/26/21 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 11 (Neguse) to H.R. 803: An amendment comprised of the following amendments printed in Part B of House Report 117-6 as en bloc No. 1: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 28.
Nay Agreed to
2/25/21 Table Motion to Reconsider: H R 5 Equality Act Nay Passed
2/25/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
H.R. 5: Equality Act
Nay Passed
2/25/21 On Motion to Adjourn Yea Failed
2/24/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House
H.R. 1192: PRRADA
Yea Passed
2/24/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House
H.R. 546: Effective Assistance of Counsel in the Digital Era Act
Yea Passed
2/24/21 On the Resolution in the House
H.Res. 147: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 803) to designate certain lands in the State of Colorado as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5)
Nay Passed
2/24/21 On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 147: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 803) to designate certain lands in ... Nay Passed
2/24/21 On Motion to Adjourn Yea Failed
2/23/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House
H.R. 208: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 500 West Main Street, Suite 102 in Tupelo, Mississippi, as the “Colonel Carlyle ‘Smitty’ Harris Post Office”.
Yea Passed
2/5/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
H.R. 447: National Apprenticeship Act of 2021
Nay Passed
2/5/21 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 9 (Stefanik) to H.R. 447: To provide authority for additional programs of work-based learning, strikes the establishment of the National Advisory Committee and interagency agreement, and provides additional flexibility for the state plan process.
Yea Failed
2/5/21 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 8 (Hill) to H.R. 447: To change Title II funding partnership requirements to the extent practical to partner with an industry or with a labor or joint labor management organization.
Yea Failed
2/5/21 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 5 (Levin) to H.R. 447: An amendment comprised of the following amendments printed in Part B of House Report 117-3 as en bloc No. 1: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 13.
Nay Agreed to
2/5/21 On the Resolution in the House
H.Res. 101: Providing for the adoption of the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 5) setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2021 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2022 thr
Nay Passed