Why the Inflation Reduction Act is a BIG Deal

Rep. Omar speaking at her press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Rep. Omar meeting with community and elected leaders before her press conference to celebrate the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Rep. Omar with Community Members for Environmental Justice.
Rep. Omar speaking at her press conference on the importance of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Representative Jamie Long speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Representative Frank Hornstein speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Commissioner Marion Greene speaking in support of the Inflation Reduction Act at Rep. Omar’s press conference.
Commissioner Jeff Lunde speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Council Member Jeremiah Ellison speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Council Member Robert Lilligren speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Taisia speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Roxxanne O’Brien speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Jamez Staples speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Janiece Watts speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Andy Snope speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Luke Dewey, speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Joushua Houdek speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Erin Parrish speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.
Kathleen Schuler speaking at Rep. Omar’s press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act.



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Rep. Ilhan Omar

Rep. Ilhan Omar

Representing Minnesota’s 5th District in the People’s House.