For Immediate Release

November 21, 2013



DC – Bill Silverfarb (202) 225-3531 / (202) 957-4340 cell


CA – Katrina Rill (650) 342-0300 / (650) 208-7441 cell

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco/San Mateo/Redwood City) stood in solidarity with a group of immigrants, labor leaders, religious leaders and others for the “Fast for Families: A Call for Immigration Reform and Citizenship” at the steps of the U.S. Capitol yesterday and has abstained from eating for a day to show support.


“This group carries on the same spirit that great leaders such as Cesar Chavez did 25 years ago in California when he fasted for 36 days to seek justice for migrant farmworkers,” said Speier who visited with the fasters Wednesday. “I admire their message to adopt immigration reform now so that they may have the same access to the American Dream that all of the immigrants who came here before them now share. Some of the fasters have already gone without food for 10 days and are willing to risk their own health to make their point. As I fast for a day in solidarity with them I will be thinking of the 11 men and women who are sitting in a tent in front of the U.S. Capitol whose message is one of peace and courage to stand for what is right.”


The fast started Nov. 12 on the National Mall. The group will fast every day and night, abstaining from all food — except water — to urge members of Congress to pass immigration reform with a path to citizenship. The group, including SEIU leadership, is urging Republican House leadership to vote on comprehensive immigration reform without delay.