May 2020

Date Title
5/18/20 Smith Statement on Navy’s First Transgender Service Waiver
5/15/20 Smith, Thornberry Sign Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter to Administration in Support of MFO in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula
5/8/20 Smith, Thornberry, and 20 Bipartisan Members Demand Answers From FCC

April 2020

Date Title
4/29/20 Smith Statement on the Navy’s Additional Investigation of the COVID-19 Outbreak Aboard the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt
4/28/20 Smith, Thornberry Statement on FY21 NDAA Process
4/28/20 Smith Slams Trump Administration’s Continued Theft of DoD Funding
4/24/20 Smith Statement on the Navy’s Investigation of the COVID-19 Outbreak Aboard the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt
4/17/20 Smith Slams High-Risk Ligado Request
4/17/20 Smith Statement on DOD Inspector General’s JEDI Findings
4/15/20 Leading National Security Democrats Raise Alarm over Trump Admin’s Dispute With South Korea Over Cost-Sharing Deal
4/14/20 Smith Statement on One-Year Anniversary of Trump’s Discriminatory Transgender Ban
4/9/20 Smith, Pallone, & Thompson Urge President Trump to Coordinate Production and Acquisition of COVID-19 Response Supplies
4/7/20 Smith Statement on Resignation of Acting Secretary of the Navy Modly
4/7/20 Smith, Engel, Reed, & Menendez Statement on Open Skies Treaty
4/6/20 Smith Calls for Modly’s Removal After Mishandling U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt COVID-19 Outbreak
4/2/20 HASC Leadership Joint Statement on the Dismissal of U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt Captain
4/1/20 House Committee Chairs Request Extension of Public Comment Periods During Coronavirus National Emergency

March 2020

Date Title
3/30/20 Smith Statement on Continued COVID Precautions and the FY21 NDAA
3/27/20 Smith, Thornberry Introduce “By Request” Bill and Begin FY21 National Defense Authorization Act Process
3/26/20 Smith & Engel Lead Effort Pushing Trump Administration to Maintain Humanitarian Assistance to Yemen During Coronavirus Crisis
3/13/20 Smith Statement on the PFAS Task Force March Progress Report
3/9/20 UPDATED HASC Schedule: March 9 - 13
3/4/20 HASC Schedule: March 9 – 13

February 2020

Date Title
2/29/20 Smith Statement on Conditions-Based Peace Agreement in Afghanistan
2/28/20 Smith, Thornberry, Garamendi and Lamborn Urge DOD to Expand Tenant Bill of Rights as Required by Law