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Daniel Inouye Election Certificate

Daniel Inouye Election Certificate/tiles/non-collection/e/ec_007imgtile1.xml
Image courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration


When a Member of Congress is elected, a certificate of election is issued by the state they are elected from and is usually signed by the governor and the secretary of state. This certificate of election is for Representative Daniel K. Inouye, who was elected on July 28, 1959, as the first Member of the House to represent the newly admitted state of Hawaii. He began his congressional career in the House of Representatives and only served there for two Congresses. Inouye later served in the U.S. Senate for almost 50 years, until his death in 2012. This certificate of election is signed by the governor as well as the lieutenant governor of Hawaii, who also acts as the secretary of state. Once signed, the certificate is sent to the Clerk of the House and eventually becomes part of the records of the Office of the Clerk.

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