Jul 25 2017
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We must tackle the lack of clean, safe water in our community from as many different angles as possible. That's why, in addition to supporting efforts to build a southern reservoir, this week I offered four amendments to increase funding for researching and combating harmful algal blooms.
Jul 25 2017
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This week Congress worked together to pass a truly great bipartisan bill that will strengthen Medicare called the Medicare Part B Improvement Act. I'm proud of our bipartisan work to get this bill passed and will continue fighting to protect Medicare for today's seniors and future generations.
Jul 24 2017
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One of the first bills I helped introduce when I got sworn in was a bill to ensure that all Purple Heart recipients who are honorably discharged, regardless of how long they served, have access to G.I. Bill benefits. Today, that bill was passed by the House of Representatives.
Jul 21 2017
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Far too often it feels like the federal government just isn't paying attention to the issues that really impact our day to day lives. I had a stark example of that in a committee hearing this week when I questioned the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on SB10 and our efforts to build a reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee.
Jun 17 2017
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Many veterans have had similar experiences and have shared healthcare challenges as a result. That’s why it’s so critical for the VA to establish and maintain expertise in providing our unique healthcare needs. Read about some real action we took to help veterans this week.
Jun 09 2017
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My goal as your representative in Congress is to help our community stay safe, ensure our families can stay healthy and strengthen our economy. One of the major bills we passed this week is called the Financial CHOICE Act, which will help our community banks give local businesses the resources they need to succeed.