May 10 2018
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In Florida alone, small businesses employ over 3 million people, or nearly half of the private sector workforce. That’s why it’s critical that we empower aspiring business owners with tools and resources they can use to thrive. This week, we passed several bills to do exactly that!
May 03 2018
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When I was serving in Afghanistan, trash and human waste were often burned in open air pits. It’s quickly becoming clear that these burn pits are emerging as the Agent Orange of my generation. That's why this week I joined my fellow veteran Tulsi Gabbard in introducing the Burn Pits Accountability Act.
Apr 27 2018
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During my time in the Army, we worked together toward a serious mission: keep Americans safe and free. While I may no longer be an asset on the battlefield, as your Congressman, my core mission hasn't changed. Every day I go to work for you, it's with the goal of keeping Americans safe and free.
Apr 18 2018
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If you’re like most Americans and have struggled with the IRS’s confusing and inefficient bureaucracy, then I have some good news for you—this week, we passed a desperately-needed overhaul of the IRS system with one singular mission in mind: taxpayer first.