Apr 19 2022

Let Freedom Fly

President Biden has shown time and time again that his policies aren’t about public health, they’re about control. 

Look no further than his Administration’s decision to extend mask mandates on planes twice in recent months even when studies showed that catching COVID-19 on flights is very low because of the air filter system in the cabin.

That is why I sued the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to block the unscientific and unconstitutional mask mandates.

But finally good news! Yesterday, a federal judge in Florida, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, struck down the mask mandates. In her decision, she wrote that the CDC had overstepped its authority when it unilaterally extended the mask mandates without any public comment or any proper reason.  As a result, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and major airline companies have announced that they will no longer enforce masks on planes, effective immediately.

Leave it to Florida to lead the way for the rest of the nation with personal responsibility and commonsense.  The fight, however, is not finished.  The Biden Administration has already called the decision “disappointing,” and it’s very possible that they will appeal the verdict.  Any appeal would mean the masks would be back while it worked its way through the court system. 

That’s why we can’t let our foot off the gas.  We have to continue to push back against mandates and other arbitrary pandemic-era rules that infringe on our liberties. 

Learn more about my fight for freedom in Congress here.