Sep 24 2021
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This bill would prevent the Biden Administration from unraveling existing policy that requires all Israeli goods to be labeled as “Made in Israel.”
Sep 19 2021
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Each year on my Alive Day, I reflect on the lessons that I’ve learned in the eleven years since that bomb went off.
Sep 13 2021
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Unfortunately, the Biden Administration is proving too arrogant to admit that they made mistakes in the Afghanistan withdrawal or that those mistakes cost thirteen young servicemembers’ their lives.
Sep 11 2021
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The evil that took 2,977 innocent lives showed us the worst of humanity. It showed us that our freedom can never be taken for granted, that it is something that must be protected every day.
Sep 10 2021
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I, like millions of others, have made the choice to receive the vaccine. But that’s just it: it is a choice that should be made by each individual, not by the President of the United States.