Brady Floor Statement on H. Res 22

Jan 6, 2011
Press Release

As a staunch advocate for strong, accountable stewardship of hard earned taxpayer dollars, I applaud any effort to responsibly address this concern.  I travel  back and forth to my District in Philadelphia on a daily basis, and I spend a large portion of every day listening to constituents as they voice their concerns about our economy and the real impact that it has on their day-to-day lives.  Certainly, this House must take steps to ensure that resources are effectively utilized, administered and accounted for.  To that end, I support this resolution and encourage my colleagues to do so as well.

 During the 111th Congress, significant steps were taken by the House leadership to expand transparency and responsible use of taxpayer dollars.  At the direction of Speaker Pelosi, the Committee on House Administration under my chairmanship worked with the Office of the CAO to introduce the House Statement of Disbursements in an online, electronic format. For the first time, constituents, the media and other concerned individuals could review every penny spent by Members, Committees and Leadership Offices.

 Through the Green the Capitol initiative and with the cooperation of the Architect of the Capitol, we rolled out enhancements designed to increase the energy efficiency of the Capitol Complex, resulting in cost savings.  

 Under the Democratic Majority, we put in place requirements that only vehicles meeting lower greenhouse emissions standards were eligible for MRA-funded lease payments. Not only does this have positive environmental impact, it also reduces fuel costs, since these vehicles are generally more fuel efficient.

 The cost savings that were introduced were done so responsibly and with a constant eye on ensuring that Members have the resources they need to serve their constituents. That’s ultimately the reason why we are here.  I look forward to exploring additional, responsible cost savings opportunities with Chairman Lungren in the spirit of bipartisan cooperation that we have enjoyed, and I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this resolution.


Congress Number: 
112th Congress