Reacting to reports that President Obama is seeking possible further unilateral reductions to U.S. nuclear weapons, sharply below the number required under a 2010 arms treaty, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) and Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Michael Turner (R-OH) made the following joint statement:

“As the President sits down with President Putin this week, we continue to have concerns about reports of possible unilateral reductions in our nuclear arsenal.   

“To be clear, The White House has yet to announce how it plans to implement the unilateral reductions of the New START Treaty. At the same time, the President’s promised modernization plan isn't being delivered. 

“While the President seems willing to compromise with Russia, he doesn't seem equally disposed where Congress is concerned; maintaining a veto threat over legislation that would protect the US military from devastating automatic cuts. The result of this dual approach is unilateral disarmament of the United States. 

“While Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Russia and China remain committed to nuclear weapons, and in some cases are expanding and modernizing them, this President has thus far succeeded in only reducing the nuclear arms of one country: the United States.”
