Congressmen Sam Johnson (R-TX), Mike Turner (R-OH), and Mike McIntyre (D-NC) announced that they will serve as the bipartisan Co-Chairs of the Congressional Air Force Caucus for the 113th Congress. Founded in September of 1998, the Caucus was formed to focus solely on the issues confronting our nation’s Air Force.

Congressman Sam Johnson: “As an original co-founder of the Air Force Caucus, one of my top priorities is to protect and defend the men and women who wear the uniform.  Forty years ago yesterday, I returned home to Texas as a part of ‘Operation Homecoming’ after nearly seven years of captivity in Hanoi, Vietnam. My 29 years in the Air Force shaped the person I am today, and it is my great privilege to give back to those who selflessly serve to keep our people safe. I am proud to work with my fellow co-chairs, Mike Turner and Mike McIntyre, to strengthen our national defense, promote advancements in aerospace technology, and preserve the honor of the United States Air Force.”

Congressman Mike Turner: “As Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, I am focused on the important issues confronting our national security and needs of our nation’s Air Force. The Air Force Caucus is a bicameral and bipartisan forum for the discussion and formulation of policy which will have a direct impact on our men and women in uniform. I am honored to serve as the Co-Chair of the Caucus this Congress with Congressmen Johnson and McIntyre. I know they share my concern and dedication to the success of the Air Force.”

Congressman Mike McIntrye: “The men and women of the U.S. Air Force play a pivotal role in the defense of our nation.  Ensuring they have the resources and tools to help them do their job is a top priority, and I am honored to serve as Co-Chairman of the Air Force Caucus. Working in a bipartisan way, we will do all we can to support their important mission.”

Originally the Caucus was founded with 19 members and has since grown to over 60. Its membership is comprised of a bipartisan group of lawmakers from across the nation. Many have served in the Air Force, Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve.