I constantly strive to help shape a community that our kids can be proud to grow up in and raise their own families here also.  The Army Corps’ toxic discharges from Lake O are having the opposite effect — they are putting our kids’ health at risk and decimating one of the main drivers of our quality of life: the water. 

This summer the Army Corps is making a determination that will impact us for the next decade: they are deciding how they will manage Lake Okeechobee and if or when they will make discharges from Lake O to the east and west coasts.

That is why I sat down with my children - Magnum, Maverick, Madalyn, and Major - to write letters to the Army Corps urging them to stop poisoning us!  You can watch here:

By sending more water south during the dry winter season, the Army Corps can mitigate the need to make discharges to both the east and west coasts of Florida during the summer wet season.    

If you’d like, you and your kids can share your thoughts at http://mast.house.gov/discharges