Manleaning against wall holding "hiring" sign

Helping NY Get Back to Work

Making connections with job seekers and businesses as our state reopens.

Job Search Tools to Help You Explore Your Options Find the Career You Love

Breaking Down Barriers to Employment
Resources to Make the Transition Easier
Get tips and information about New York State resources that will help break down barriers to employment and make the transition back to work easier.

Working to Ensure an Even Playing Field for Workers and Businesses Protecting New York's Workforce

Find your minimum wage and get your questions answered with fact sheets and dedicated FAQ pages for specific types of workers.

Supporting Employers With A Variety of No-Cost Programs and Services Helping New York's Businesses

Employment Statistics and Labor Data
Latest Jobs, Unemployment and Regional Market Data
The Research & Statistics Division is the premier source of labor market information in the state. From wages to projections to the latest job figures, the Department of Labor has the most current and accurate labor market information available.
COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave
Former Governor Cuomo enacted a law that provides benefits - including sick leave, paid family leave, and disability benefits - to New York employees impacted by the mandatory or precautionary orders of quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19. These benefits do not have an expiration date. If your employer does not comply with this law, you have the right to file a complaint.
Paid Sick Leave for COVID-19 Vaccinations and Vaccine Recovery Time
Healthy Terminals Act

On March 25, 2021, former Governor Cuomo signed the Healthy Terminals Act which now establishes specific standards of wage rates for covered airport workers in New York state.


The NY HERO Act is intended to prevent current and future occupational exposure to airborne infectious diseases at workplaces throughout New York state.

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