U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
about a week ago

I stand in solidarity with Call Center Workers United workers striking at Maximus call centers today. If Maximus can afford to pay its CEO 208 times his median worker and spend $2 million on "bonuses" to cross the picket line, it can afford to pay workers a fair wage.

Call Center Workers United
October 24

To our Facebook community –

Every year, during the open enrollment periods for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicare, our bosses at Maximus push us to the... limit. Back to back calls, increased risk of discipline and termination for missing mandatory workdays. During this brutal time of year for us, we sacrifice time with our families and our health in order to help millions of Americans access affordable healthcare. And in return, we are met with low wages, unrealistic expectations, and sometimes abusive calls in which some people call us the worst names you could imagine.

This year, we’ve had enough.

So today, we are announcing our plan to go on STRIKE on the first day of ACA open enrollment, November 1, unless Maximus meets our demands:

1. $25 per hour, a fair wage for the critical work that we do.
2. Time to breathe in between calls so that we can give each caller the best information and support possible.
3. Real protection from abusive callers, including those who use racist and sexist language.

Enough is enough - we are putting Maximus on notice. If our demands aren’t met, we’re ready to put our phones down and our fists up. SHARE this post if you’re with us.

Call Center Workers United

#PhonesDownFistsUp #1u

If you’re a Maximus worker and want to join our strike click here and we’ll be in touch ASAP: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/oep-strike-pledge

If you’re a supporter who is able to chip in to our strike fund, join us here: https://actionnetwork.org/…/call-center-workers-solidarity-…

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U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
about a week ago

Oil Profits So Far This Year

Exxon:⬆️203% to $43 billion
Chevron:⬆️175% to $29 billion
BP:⬆️161% to $22.8 billion...
Shell:⬆️133% to $30 billion

Big Oil is using the war in Ukraine as an excuse to make obscene profits by jacking up gas prices. Yes. We need a windfall profits tax.

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U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
about a week ago

President Biden is right. At a time when Exxon, Shell and Chevron increased their profits by 168% to $81 billion in the last 2 quarter by charging outrageously high prices at the pump, we need a windfall profits tax. The revenue should go directly back to the American people.

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
about 2 weeks ago

Today, the people of Brazil have voted for democracy, workers’ rights and environmental sanity. I congratulate Lula on his hard fought victory and look forward to a strong and prosperous relationship between the United States and Brazil.

Folha de S.Paulo
Newspaper5,476,783 Likes
October 30


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
about 2 weeks ago

Profits in last 2 quarters
Exxon:⬆️228% to $38 billion
Chevron:⬆️149% to $23 billion
Shell:⬆️117% to $21 billion


These companies are spending $63 billion in stock buybacks & dividends - a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the top 1%. Windfall profits tax NOW!

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