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Member Caucuses


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Blue Dog Coalition

The Blue Dog Coalition - founded in 1995 - has built a reputation as a serious player in the policy arena, promoting positions which bridge the gap between ideological extremes. Many of the group's policy proposals have been praised as fair, responsible, and positive additions to a Congressional environment too often marked as partisan and antagonistic.

Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC)

The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), founded in 1994 by then Congressman Norman Mineta, is comprised of members of Congress (both the House and Senate) who have strong interests in promoting Asian Pacific American (APA) issues and advocating the concerns of APAs. CAPAC is bipartisan and bi-cameral.

Congressional Black Caucus

The Congressional Black Caucus was formed in 1969 when the 13 black members of the U.S. House of Representatives joined together to strengthen their efforts to address the legislative concerns of black and minority citizens. African-American representatives had increased in number from six in 1966 to nine, following the 1969 elections. Those members believed that a black caucus in Congress, speaking with a single voice, would provide political influence and visibility far beyond their numbers.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) is comprised of 21 Members of Congress of Hispanic descent. The Caucus is dedicated to voicing and advancing, through the legislative process, issues affecting Hispanics in the United States and Puerto Rico. The CHC was founded in December 1976 as a legislative service organization of the United States House of Representatives. Today, the CHC is organized as a Congressional Member organization, governed under the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus

The Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus was established in the U.S. House of Representatives in June 2008 by Co-Chairs Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Barney Frank (D-MA), along with Members of Congress who are strongly committed to achieving the full enjoyment of human rights for LGBT people in the U.S. and around the world. Today, the Caucus is co-chaired by the six openly LGBT Members of Congress.

Congressional Progressive Caucus

The Congressional Progressive Caucus was established in the U.S. House of Representatives in the early 1990s. It reflects the diversity and strength of the American people, and we seek to give voice to the needs and aspirations of all Americans and to build a more just and humane society.

New Democrat Coalition

Founded in 1997, The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) provides moderate, pro-growth Members of Congress with the opportunity to advance a common sense policy agenda to move our country in the right direction. New Democrats have built a reputation as the "go-to" group in Congress on the critical issues of economic growth, national security, personal responsibility, and technology development.

The Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC)

The Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) is an active, focused, and effective voice in the House of Representatives advocating for policies that promote domestic clean energy innovation and job creation, protection of our nation’s clean air, water and natural environment, and policies to address and combat global climate change.

SEEC is co-chaired by Reps. Gerald Connolly (D-VA), Paul Tonko (D-NY), and Doris Matsui (D-CA). Since being formed in January 2009, at the start of the 111th United States Congress, it has been at the forefront in advancing policies that will allow America to take control of its energy policy and create a prosperous and independent clean energy future.

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