
As part of my mission to positively affect the lives of a billion people with a message of hope and opportunity, the Opportunity Agenda was founded on the principle that all Americans should have the opportunity to succeed.

Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zones were created by language I included in the 2017 tax reform package, and offer low-income communities across the country a path to more jobs and development. 

Quality Education

Education is the closest thing to magic we have in this nation. I am committed to ensuring every child and student has access to a quality education in the setting that best fits their needs.

Bridging The Wealth Gap

I strive to empower Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life with access to credit, funding, and financial services.

Empowering the Innovation Economy

I am working to modernize and, in some cases, revitalize traditional models for job training, taxation, labor regulation and oversight, payments, retirements and worker benefits.   

Balancing the Scales of Justice

Police reform and criminal justice reform are critical issues for many communities of color and ensuring they have access to the American Dream.