Recent Press Releases

Date Title
8/17/20 Following Thune-Johnson Request, USDA Provides Flexibility for Harvesting and Grazing Cover Crops on Prevented Plant Acres
8/15/20 Statement on the Passing of Harold Thune
8/6/20 Thune Introduces Bill to Recognize Environmental Benefit of Biofuels, Efficient Farming
8/5/20 Thune, Rounds Introduce Legislation to Improve Snowpack and Drought Monitoring in the Upper Missouri River Basin
8/5/20 Thune: Democrats’ Unwillingness to Compromise is Stalling Relief for American People
7/29/20 Thune: PACT Act Would Increase Internet Accountability and Consumer Transparency
7/28/20 Thune: Digital Consumers Deserve and Expect Adequate Online Control and Protection
7/28/20 New COVID-19 Relief Package Includes Thune Provision for Remote and Mobile Workers
7/23/20 Thune Statement on Senate Passage of Pro-Troop Defense Bill
7/23/20 Thune: Effective Spectrum Policymaking Will Benefit Rural America and Help Win the Race to 5G
7/22/20 Thune: Next Coronavirus Relief Funding Package Prioritizes Kids, Jobs, and Health Care
7/22/20 Thune to Lead Subcommittee Hearing on Legislation to Strengthen Online Transparency, Accountability, and Consumer Protection
7/22/20 Thune Statement on USDA Cattle Market Investigation Report
7/22/20 Thune, Enzi Introduce Legislation to Improve Integrity of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program
7/16/20 Thune to Lead Subcomittee Hearing on Spectrum Policy
7/16/20 Thune and Markey Applaud FCC TRACED Act Mandate
7/2/20 Thune, Moran, and Young Introduce Bill to Update E-SIGN
7/2/20 Thune Leads Colleagues in Introducing Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Certainty for the 340B Program
6/24/20 Thune, Schatz Introduce Legislation to Update Section 230, Strengthen Rules, Transparency on Online Content Moderation, Hold Internet Companies Accountable for Moderation Practices
6/24/20 Thune: Senate Democrats Filibuster Policing Reform Debate and Put Politics Ahead of Change
6/24/20 Thune, Smith Introduce Bill to Ease Application Process for the Impact Aid Program During COVID-19 Pandemic
6/18/20 Thune Introduces Bill to Advance Rural Broadband Services
6/18/20 Thune, Brown Introduce Bill to Relieve Mobile and Remote Workers of Unfair Tax Burdens Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
6/17/20 Thune: Proud to Support JUSTICE Act Police Reform Bill
6/17/20 Thune Introduces Bill to Advance Renewable Fuels Innovation