Recent Press Releases

Date Title
7/27/09 Thune Urges EPA to Certify Higher Ethanol Blends
7/24/09 Thune Asks USDA to Address Issues in Cap and Trade Analysis
7/24/09 Senate Passes Defense Authorization Bill
7/23/09 Defense Bill Includes Thune Provisions Promoting Alternative Fuels
7/22/09 Anti-Gun Senators Defeat Common Sense Thune Concealed Carry Amendment
7/20/09 Thune to Vote Against Confirmation of Judge Sotomayor
7/20/09 Thune Offers Concealed Carry Amendment to Defense Authorization Bill
7/13/09 Thune Encourages Public Comment on Increased Ethanol Usage Before Deadline
7/13/09 Thune Named Ranking Member on Senate Agriculture Energy Subcommittee
7/13/09 Thune Announces Livestock Indemnity Payments Available
7/10/09 Thune Receives "Friend of Farm Bureau" Award
7/8/09 Funding for Thune-Requested South Dakota Priorities Moves Forward
7/7/09 Thune-Requested Agriculture Projects Move Forward
7/2/09 Thune Outlines Proposal to Fight Black Hills Pine Beetle Problem
6/30/09 Thune Calls for Inspector General Investigation of Apparent Suppression of Scientific Dissent at EPA
6/26/09 Thune Amendment to Preserve Next Generation Bomber Program Moves Forward with Defense Authorization Bill
6/25/09 Thune Elected Republican Policy Committee Chairman
6/25/09 Thune Urges BIA to Honor Standing Rock Law Enforcement Commitments
6/15/09 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Endorses Thune Bill to End Government Ownership of Private Companies
6/12/09 USDA to Launch Thune Cellulosic Ethanol Program
6/11/09 Thune Introduces Bill to Provide Prescription Cost Relief to Low-Income-Serving Hospitals
6/11/09 Thune Introduces Government Ownership Exit Plan
6/9/09 Thune Urges USDA to Approve More Conservation Acreage in South Dakota
6/3/09 Thune Introduces Legislation to Protect Private Sector Businesses from Unfair Government Competition
6/2/09 South Dakota Delegation Supports Governor's Disaster Request and Asks President for Emergency Declaration