Recent Press Releases

Date Title
6/17/20 Thune on Fox Business: We Want to Pass a Law to Reform Policing, Show Americans We Hear Them
6/16/20 Thune: Paycheck Protection Program has Been a Lifeline for Many Small Businesses
6/12/20 Thune, Stabenow, Johnson, and Loebsack Lead Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Urging USDA to Provide Flexibility for Harvesting and Grazing Cover Crops on Prevented Plant Acres
6/11/20 Thune Introduces Bill to Support Hand Sanitizer and Ethanol Production By Extending FDA Guidance
6/11/20 Thune: Fighting for South Dakota’s Farmers and Ranchers is a Top Priority During Pandemic
6/10/20 Thune: COVID-19 Proves Value of Telehealth Across America
6/9/20 Thune, Baldwin Introduce Bill to Improve Paycheck Protection Program for Agricultural Producers
6/9/20 Thune: Senate Republicans Committed to Helping Americans Through This Health Crisis
6/5/20 Thune, Smith Introduce Bill to Allow Emergency Haying and Grazing on CRP Acres During COVID-19 Pandemic
6/5/20 Thune, Rounds Applaud Senate Passage of Their Bill to Allow Tribal Grant Schools to Devote Additional Resources to Improving Education
6/4/20 Thune: COVID-19 Pandemic Highlights How Critical Transportation is to Our Economy
6/4/20 Thune: There Are Ways to Help Revive the Economy Without Spending Trillions of Dollars
6/3/20 Thune: Countries Should Abandon 5G Infrastructure Made by Companies Beholden to Chinese Government
5/26/20 Thune Introduces Resolution for Mount Rushmore to Host Centennial Commemoration of Women’s Right to Vote
5/21/20 Thune, Hassan Introduce Bill to Improve Railroad Infrastructure
5/21/20 Thune: Abandon Partisanship and Work Together on Real Solutions
5/20/20 Thune: COVID-19 Highlights Importance of the Internet, Need for 5G Growth
5/20/20 Thune On Fox News and Fox Business: We’re Focused on Getting the Economy Going Again
5/20/20 Committee Approves Bill to Provide States Flexibility in Spending FMCSA Grant Funds
5/19/20 Thune: Senate Focused on American People While House is Distracted by Liberal Agenda
5/18/20 Thune, Klobuchar Urge Treasury and Small Business Administration to Allow Telecommunications Cooperatives Paycheck Protection Program Eligibility
5/14/20 In Case You Missed It: Thune Working Hard For South Dakota’s Cattle Producers
5/14/20 Thune: Senate Should Reauthorize Critical National Security Tools
5/13/20 Thune Discusses Broadband Connectivity at Commerce Committee Hearing
5/13/20 Thune: Republicans Focused on Bipartisan Relief Measures While Democrats Aim to Score Political Points