Recent Press Releases

Date Title
2/13/19 Thune Discusses South Dakota’s Role in Delivering High-Speed Broadband Services, Including 5G Technology
2/13/19 Thune, Warner Introduce Legislation to Aid Student Debt Repayment
2/7/19 Thune, Schatz Reintroduce Bill to Make Annual Veteran Cost of Living Adjustment Automatic
2/6/19 Thune to Support Bill Barr’s Nomination to Serve as Attorney General
2/6/19 Thune Discusses State of 5G Technology in Commerce Hearing
2/5/19 Thune: ‘Horrified’ by Democrats’ Objection to Protecting Babies Born Alive
2/5/19 Thune Statement on President’s State of the Union Address
2/1/19 Thune: Our Economy Continues to Grow and Thrive
1/31/19 Thune Honors Commissioning of USS South Dakota
1/31/19 Thune to Chair Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight
1/30/19 Delegation Introduces Legislation to Allow Tribal Grant Schools to Devote Additional Resources to Improving Education
1/30/19 Thune: Proud of Republicans' Commitment to Strengthening the Economy
1/28/19 Thune Leads Colleagues in Reintroducing Legislation to Permanently Repeal the Death Tax
1/24/19 Thune Votes to End Shutdown, Invest in Border Security
1/24/19 Thune Meets With Acting EPA Administrator
1/23/19 Thune's Office Accepting Summer Internship Applications
1/19/19 Thune Statement on President’s Proposal to End Shutdown
1/17/19 Thune, Markey Reintroduce Bill to Crack Down on Illegal Robocall Scams
1/16/19 Thune: Grateful for Those Who March for Life
1/15/19 Thune Announces Deputy Whip Team for 116th Congress
1/15/19 Thune Reintroduces Bill to Prioritize H-2B Visa Allocation to Low Unemployment States
1/15/19 Thune: Negotiation and CompThune: Negotiation and Compromise are Essential to Reopen the Governmentromise are Essential to Reopen the Government
1/11/19 Thune to Lead Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet
1/11/19 Ready to Hit the Ground Running
1/10/19 Delegation Reintroduces Bill to Transfer Federal Land to Custer County, South