Recent Press Releases

Date Title
1/31/17 Thune: We Will Not Rest Until Every American has Access to a Future of Security, Hope, and Opportunity
1/31/17 Thune: President’s Supreme Court Nominee Is Exceptional Jurist
1/31/17 Thune, Heitkamp Introduce Legislation to Preserve Rural Access to Therapy Services
1/31/17 Thune Statement on Senate Confirmation of Elaine Chao as Secretary of Transportation
1/27/17 Thune’s Office Accepting Summer Internship Applications
1/25/17 Delegation Encourages President to Quickly Approve South Dakota Disaster Declaration
1/24/17 Thune, Commerce Committee Hit the Ground Running
1/24/17 Thune Reintroduces Legislation to Kill the Death Tax
1/24/17 Thune: Keystone XL Pipeline a Preview of Positive Actions for the American People
1/23/17 Thune Statement on Heather Wilson’s Nomination to Serve as Secretary of the Air Force
1/23/17 Thune Outlines Commerce Committee Tech Agenda for 115th Congress
1/20/17 Thune Statement on Swearing-in of President Trump
1/19/17 Secretary of Treasury Nominee Shares Thune’s Vision for Pro-Growth Economic Policies
1/18/17 Thune: Next Secretary of Commerce Will Serve During Important Time in Our Nation’s Economic Recovery
1/12/17 Thune: Delivering on Our Promises
1/11/17 Thune Cosponsors Bill to Improve Rural Call Quality and Reliability
1/6/17 Thune Selected for Second Term as Commerce Chairman
1/6/17 Delegation Statement on VA Decision to Close Hot Springs Facility
1/5/17 Thune Receives Department of Navy’s Distinguished Public Service Award
1/5/17 Bicameral Legislation to Authorize Permanent Land Transfer for Expansion of Black Hills National Cemetery Reintroduced in First Week of 115th Congress
1/5/17 Thune Joins Colleagues in Reintroducing Sarah’s Law
1/3/17 Thune Announces Committee Assignments for 115th Congress
1/3/17 Thune Takes Oath of Office
1/3/17 Thune Reintroduces MOBILE NOW Act on First Day of 115th Congress
12/19/16 Thune Statement on Establishment of Small Community Air Service Working Group