Recent Press Releases

Date Title
5/21/14 Thune Calls on Shinseki to Release Details of South Dakota VA Wait Times
5/21/14 Thune: Tough Words Aren’t Enough
5/21/14 Following Pressure From Thune, CMS Backs Off Unrealistic Electronic Health Record Requirements
5/20/14 Thune, Casey, Hoeven Call on Administration to Halt Expansion of Program Prior to HHS IG Review
5/20/14 Thune Applauds USDA Landscape Designation in Black Hills National Forest
5/14/14 Thune Grills HHS Nominee Over Selective Enforcement of ObamaCare
5/13/14 Thune Blasts Administration Plans to Press Forward with Hot Springs VA Closure Amid Recent VA Scandals
5/13/14 Thune Offers Amendments to Provide ObamaCare Relief to Long-term Unemployed, Stop Collection of Individual Mandate Tax
5/13/14 Thune Applauds Prohibition on Corps’s Missouri River Surplus Water Fee
5/13/14 Senate Republican Leaders to FCC: Leave Internet Open and Free
5/12/14 Thune Calls for Independent Nationwide VA Investigation
5/8/14 Thune Challenges Costly Expansion of EPA Authority
5/6/14 Thune Introduces Amendment to Block Most Costly EPA Regulation in History
5/6/14 Thune/Klobuchar Lead Letter to FCC on Rural Broadband
5/6/14 Thune Demands Answers on IRS Bonuses
5/1/14 Thune Welcomed South Dakota Business Owner to Senate Ag Subcommittee Hearing
5/1/14 Senators Roberts, Enzi, & Thune Introduce Bill to Block Bonuses to IRS Employees Who Break Tax Law or Have Tax Debt
4/29/14 Thune Encourages South Dakotans to Attend STB Rail Service Meetings
4/18/14 Obama Delays Keystone Decision Again While Jobless Americans Hang in the Balance
4/17/14 Thune: President’s Latest ObamaCare “Victory” Lap an Insult
4/17/14 Alexander, Thune, Hatch Urge Census Bureau to Keep Questions on Uninsured in Order to Understand Impact of Obamacare
4/15/14 Thune Commends STB on Fertilizer Decision
4/10/14 Thune Statement on Secretary Sebelius’ Resignation
4/10/14 Thune Outlines South Dakota Rail Service Issues with STB
4/10/14 Thune Leads GOP Senators in Calling for USDA, DOE, EPA to Resist Taxing Livestock Emissions