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President of the Senate: Vice President of the United States

Under the Constitution, the vice president serves as the president of the Senate and presides over the Senate's daily proceedings. In the absence of the vice president, the Senate's president pro tempore (and others designated by them) presides. As one of the Senate's constitutional officers, only the vice president has the authority to cast a tie-breaking vote.

Origins and Development

Appointment of a senator to the chair Rule 1
Privilege of the Floor Rule 23


Constitutional Authority:   Article 1, section 3
Tie Votes:   1981 to Present   1789 to 1980 (PDF)
Noted Votes:
Chester A. Arthur's Tie Breaking Vote March 18, 1881
President's Death Eases Senate Deadlock September 20, 1881

Presidents of the Senate

Current   Leadership of the Senate


Former senators as Vice Presidents:
Complete List of Vice Presidents
Indicted Vice President Bids Senate Farewell March 2, 1805
William R. King: First Senator to Gain VP Offer (King) June 5, 1852
Address by Vice President Dan Quayle September 19, 2000
Address by Vice President Walter Mondale September 4, 2002

Art & Architecture

   Vice Presidential Bust Collection   brochure (PDF)
            Vice Presidential Room brochure (PDF)

Related Links   President Pro Tempore   Votes