Wicker Votes to Confirm Justice Amy Coney Barrett

October 26, 2020

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today released the following statement after voting to confirm Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court:

“I have never seen a more talented, more articulate nominee for the United States Supreme Court than I have in this new justice, Amy Coney Barrett.

“I think she will make us all proud. We have no idea the specific decisions that she will make, but I do know she was taught under the guidance of Justice Scalia, one of the great heroes of the Supreme Court. I think she will interpret the law as it is written by the legislative branch, and I think she will interpret the Constitution as it was written by our Founding Fathers.

“This is a very significant day. I could not be more delighted in the outcome, and I give my best wishes to Justice Barrett.”

Justice Barrett is the third justice to be confirmed to the Supreme Court during President Donald J. Trump’s presidency.