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Manufacturing Working Group


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When Congress invests in American manufacturing and workers, it enhances equity, innovation, and economic growth. Government support for American manufacturing was critical to creating the Arsenal of Democracy during World War II, launching the nuclear and renewables industries, sending Americans to the moon, building the internet, jumpstarting electric vehicle markets, and revolutionizing the speed of vaccine development.

The House Democratic Manufacturing Working Group (DMWG) examines key issues for strengthening the American manufacturing sector. Launched in 2021 by House Majority Whip Clyburn and Rep. Haley Stevens, the DMWG brings together Members of the House Democratic Caucus who represent a diverse cross-section of America’s manufacturing communities and are committed to crafting manufacturing policy that creates good-paying jobs and generates shared and sustainable prosperity for every community.

The DMWG has three sub-groups:

  • Workforce, Recovery, and Access to Capital
  • Climate and Sustainability
  • Trade and Access to Markets

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