
In the News

During his western and southwestern Arkansas tour, U.S. Senator Boozman visited with local leaders, toured Nidec, and participated in the UA Rich Mountain Athletic Program Ribbon cutting on the morning of Tuesday, August 6.

Boozman began his day in Mena with a breakfast roundtable with the Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce and local elected officials at the Lime Tree restaurant. “My message is simply (to let us know of) anything that we can do to help,” said Boozman to the crowd. “There’s a lot going on in Washington … there are no worries of a government shutdown … the things that will be coming up next will be the Farm Bill. Agriculture is probably 25 percent of the state’s economy, but when you get into rural Arkansas, it is probably 85-90 percent. It is very important and we are committed in helping in any way that we can,” shared Boozman.

Full story: http://www.menastar.com/news/article_d09bdc0e-b93b-11e9-b964-df0585e90916.html