Press Releases

WILMINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement on the news that DuPont will divest its Stine facility in Newark, Del. to regional chemical company FMC Corp while retaining its Haskell Laboratory.

“At first blush, this appears to be a win-win for Delaware. The Stine facility, which DuPont will divest as part of its commitments to the European Commission as it merges with Dow, will be owned by FMC, a company we know and admire. FMC has stated its intent to continue investing in the great work being done there by the center's scientists and researchers. Additionally, I am pleased that Haskell Laboratory, DuPont’s center for product safety testing will remain with DuPont.

“When the three independent companies are created following the merger of Dow and DuPont, two of the three companies - Agriculture and Specialty Products - will be headquartered in Delaware. DuPont’s acquisition of FMC’s Health & Nutrition business will strengthen the intended Specialty Products company. So, Delaware wins in two ways. Later today, I’ll talk with FMC’s CEO, who is someone I’ve known and worked with in the past because of FMC’s current presence in Delaware, and I look forward to the First State continuing a strong and productive relationship with FMC just as we have done for generations with DuPont.”