Press Releases

WILMINGTON, Del. – Today, U.S. Sen. Tom Carper (D–Del.) released the following statement upon the death of his colleague and friend, U.S. Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio:

“George Voinovich was among the most courageous and principled leaders I’ve ever known. He was one of my closest friends during the time that we served together as governors, in the U.S. Senate, and in the years since. He was never interested in doing what was easy or expedient, but rather to do what was right. There was not a partisan bone in his body – just a lot of love. He was a person of deep faith and was the personification of the Golden Rule – always treating other people the way he wanted to be treated. George and Janet, his wonderful wife, were planning to be back in Washington D.C. this week where my wife Martha and I were going to join them for a while before heading off to the annual Congressional Picnic at the White House. I deeply regret that we’ll never have the chance to see him one more time and to say goodbye. We could use a lot more George Voinoviches in public life today in both political parties. My hope is that his life will inspire the rest of us to be a lot more like him.”