Washington, DC - Today, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, called on the South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast) to exercise all available authorities to suspend AllenCo operations due to severe symptoms experienced by families, including children in the University Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. On November 8th, Senator Boxer visited the University Park neighborhood and spoke to local residents. Senator Boxer first called on AllenCo to suspend operations pending a full investigation of its oil and gas pumping facility on November 8th and she sent a second letter on November 15th. AllenCo responded on November 18th.

The full text of Senator Boxer's letter to South Coast is below:

November 20, 2013

Dr. Barry Wallerstein
Executive Director
South Coast Air Quality Management District
21865 Copley Dr.
Diamond Bar, CA 91765

Dear Dr. Wallerstein:

I ask that the South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast) exercise all available authorities to suspend AllenCo operations due to severe symptoms experienced by families, including children in the University Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.

I know that South Coast has issued many warnings and fines to this AllenCo facility. Unfortunately, the University Park community has continued to suffer unacceptable health effects.

After writing AllenCo's President two letters, I received his response (attached) stating: "We welcome the ongoing diligence of the South Coast Air Quality Management District and other regulatory agencies as they independently and collaboratively work to identify the type and source of any harmful emissions in this area."

They missed the point. The point is that we cannot allow children and families to continue to suffer. Please let me know how you plan to address these unacceptable conditions.



Barbara Boxer


CC: Mr. Jared Blumenfeld
Regional Administrator for Region 9
U.S Environmental Protection Agency
