Primary Sources

Primary sources are firsthand accounts that provide glimpses into history. By exploring and analyzing primary sources, students can better understand historic events, American culture, perspectives, and the House. Check out our primary source sets and classroom-ready resources.

Primary Source Set: Prohibition

Primary Source Set: Prohibition

Dive into America’s infamous dry period with this primary source set on Prohibition. This collection of House records and photographs is accompanied by a brief contextual essay, activities, educational videos, and questions to facilitate student discussion and analysis. We encourage you to download and use these materials in your classroom.

Primary Sources in Your Classroom

Primary Sources in Your Classroom

Encourage students to investigate and analyze primary sources—including documents, photographs, oral histories, artwork, and more—with these resources. Primary source analysis graphic organizers can be used in any way you choose, including as a class exercise, student assessment, or homework assignment. The guide to related subjects in Records Search makes it easy to find primary sources to integrate into your lessons.