
Press Releases

WASHINGTON –Cogan Wade is familiar the halls of Episcopal Collegiate School, but starting in September, he’ll have to learn to navigate the halls of the U.S. Capitol.

Wade, a 16-year-old junior, will serve as a Senate Page for the 2014 fall session after earning an appointment from U.S. Senator John Boozman.

“I look forward to welcoming Cogan to Washington, D.C. where he will get to experience first-hand how our representative democracy works while serving as a U.S. Senate Page. This will be a very rewarding program for him as he participates in the daily operations of the Senate and learns the inner-working of the legislative branch. He will be an asset to my colleagues and me in the Senate as we form policies and debate legislation that will have an impact on him, his family and all Americans,” Boozman said. 

“I am grateful to have been chosen to be a United States Senate Page, not only because it will satisfy my passion and curiosity for politics, but, more importantly, because it will allow me to serve those who bring about change in this nation through the democratic process,” Wade said.

Wade is completing the requirements for Eagle Scout and is a member of the Order of the Arrow, the Boy Scout Honor Society. He is a member of the National Honor Society and Junior Classical League Latin Honor Society and a varsity wrestler for the Episcopal Wildcats. 

As a Boy Scout, Wade is an active volunteer in the community and also devoted time to Our House, a shelter for the working homeless, Keep Little Rock Beautiful, and the Ronald McDonald House. Wade is the recipient of the Daniel Cayce Award for inspirational leadership in public service from the Clinton School for designing a water conservation app during the first Arkansas High School Startup Weekend with a team from Episcopal Collegiate.  

Instead of remembering his locker combination, Wade will be remembering the names and faces of 100 of the nation’s most influential political leaders. He will serve as one of 30 Senate Pages who are responsible for preparing the Senate chamber for the day’s business by distributing documents to the Senator’s desks, assisting in the cloakrooms and chambers; and when Congress is in session, they sit near the dais waiting to help Senators. In addition, Wade will attend classes and live in the Daniel Webster Page Residence near the Hart Senate Office Building. 

Wade is the son of John and Stephanie Wade. Following graduation from high school he hopes to attend Washington and Lee University and pursue a degree in History and Economics.

The Senate Page program started in 1829 when Senator Daniel Webster appointed the first Senate Page. Today, this is a prestigious appointment of high school juniors with a strong academic standing.