
Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Mark Pryor and John Boozman, along with Congressman Rick Crawford (AR-1) today announced that the Army has clarified its criteria on its ROTC program review and elimination process, and will now take into account investments schools have made in their programs. Last year, the members fought back against the decision to close A-State’s program, and urged the Army to consider the school’s investments in future program decisions. A-State is the only university in the U.S. with an entire dormitory dedicated exclusively to its ROTC program.

“This isn’t the end of the road for A-State, but it’s a positive development as we fight to keep its ROTC program strong,” Pryor said. “A-State has made smart investments in its program that I’m confident will pay off as the Army conducts its review. This is a team effort, and I look forward to supporting A-State as we continue to move through this process.”

This essentially marks a reset for the Army’s process of evaluating ROTC programs, how they fit into the Army’s goals as well as their ability to achieve the mission that the Army has given them,” Boozman said. “A-State now has the opportunity to show the Army what Arkansans already know – that A-State has a quality program that commissions great Army officers.  A-State, the community, and the entire Arkansas delegation will make sure that the Army hears that message loud and clear.”

“I appreciate the detailed information that the Army has provided me as well as to officials at A-State in regards to the criteria they will be utilizing for our ROTC program.  I will continue to work with A-State and the U.S. Army Cadet Command during this evaluation period to ensure the process remains transparent and that officials at A-State, including the cadets, have the support and guidance they need.  I believe the A-State ROTC program will, as they have in the past, continue to meet and exceed the expectations set forth by the Army,” said Crawford.

Under the new criteria, ROTC programs will also be evaluated on production, quality, academic representation, geographic representation, and cost. The programs that do not meet this criterion will be placed on probationary status for one to two years, and will be given an opportunity by the Army to make the needed improvements. The Army will not move forward with program closures until 2017.

A-State received this document from the Army today.