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Democratic Faith Working Group


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The Democratic Faith Working Group (DFWG) works to help House Democrats find common ground on issues of faith and connect with people of diverse religious backgrounds. The DFWG periodically sponsors forums, roundtables, briefings and other events to educate, promote and—most importantly—connect with faith voters.  We often host faith leaders to discuss and develop ways to address the admonitions of Micah 6:8 and Matthew 25:45.

In recent Congresses we successfully navigated through some pretty thorny issues; one of which was the drafting, debating and passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Upon its passage,  we worked with the faith community to implement the ACA through our “Souls2Enroll Outreach.”  We are working to protect SNAP—the food stamp program—and rescind Trump’s recent Tax Hikes on Places of Worship and Charities.

Our partners in this journey include the Episcopal Church, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Sojourners, the Skinner Leadership Institute, the Presbyterian Church, NETWORK Lobby, American Baptist Home Mission Societies, Friends Committee of Legislation, Soka Gakkai International-USA, the Progressive Baptist National Convention and the National Council of Churches.

Faith Matters Newsletters:

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