WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, released the following statement regarding the Trump Administration’s decision to renominate Kathleen Hartnett White to lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) after her nomination was returned to President Trump when the Senate closed the first session of the 115th Congress last month.

“I often say that true leaders do the right thing, not just what is easy or expedient. Withdrawing the nomination of Kathleen Hartnett White would have been one of the rare times a decision could be all three, but the Trump Administration has refused. Well, they should expect a fight.

“Kathleen Hartnett White’s disdain for science and basic facts is clear and poses a serious threat to the health of our environment and the American people. Her statements are wildly inappropriate and her extreme stances have elicited serious concerns on both sides of the aisle and across the country. It is virtually impossible to find anyone who can, after watching Ms. White’s hearing, sincerely say that she is well-qualified for the important job to which she has been nominated. And since her hearing, we have discovered that Ms. White could not even bother to answer written questions submitted by members of the Senate in her own words, but plagiarized the work of others instead.

“This is not just another Trump nominee. In the 17 years I have been in the Senate, I have never sat through a hearing as excruciating as Ms. White’s. Even if the administration insists on doubling down on candidates who have proven to be so clearly unacceptable, those of us in the Senate must still be able to recognize when someone is overwhelmingly unfit for such a crucial position. I believe many of my colleagues do recognize that about Kathleen Hartnett White. The Trump Administration’s decision to resubmit her name to head CEQ rather than take this opportunity to select a new and better qualified candidate is shortsighted, irresponsible and, I believe, will prove to be a mistake.”
