Washington, D.C. -- Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, issued the statement below after the Nebraska Supreme Court overturned a lower-court ruling that blocked a state law giving the governor the ability to unilaterally approve the route of the Keystone tar sands pipeline. Although four of the seven Nebraska Supreme Court justices found the state law was unconstitutional, Nebraska's Constitution requires a supermajority to make such a finding. 

Senator Boxer said: "A majority of the Nebraska Supreme Court recognized that the process used to determine the route selected for the Keystone pipeline is unconstitutional under state law -- unfortunately they needed a supermajority. But that does not take away from the fact that the Keystone bill is a giveaway to Canadian oil interests and does nothing for America. I again call on the Republican leadership to take this bill off the floor and immediately bring up a transportation bill that will support millions of jobs - not just the 35 permanent jobs that the tar sands pipeline would create."
