
Press Releases

WASHINGTON –Senator John Boozman (R-AR) today issued the following statement after the Senate passed legislation to create jobs by moving the Keystone XL Pipeline project forward.

“The Keystone XL pipeline is the type of job creating infrastructure project that America needs. It will create well-paying jobs for skilled laborers and will do so at no expense to the taxpayers. Once built, the pipeline will help maintain lower fuel prices, which is good for all Arkansans -- at the gas pump, at the store and for job creation,” Boozman said. “The Keystone XL pipeline has been greenlighted in study after study. We’ve had a multiple debates on it in this body alone, including the lengthy spirited debate that led to passage of this bill. And yet the President is still looking for ways to stop it. The support is here in Congress. More importantly the support is there with the American people. I encourage the President to join with us to get this project moving, instead of being the one to hold it back.”