May 16, 2018

Duckworth Statement on Senate Vote to Restore Net Neutrality


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement after the Senate passed Senator Ed Markey’s (D-MA) Congressional Review Act resolution to restore Net Neutrality rules:

“Today's vote is a win for the millions of Americans who made their voices heard in the push to restore net neutrality rules. Ensuring that everyone has access to a level playing field online—which enables our small businesses to stay competitive and protects startups from being crushed by big corporations before they even get off the ground—is common sense. This fight isn’t over—we need every American, from consumers to small business owners, to continue speaking up and urging their Representatives and Donald Trump to support this resolution and end their misguided efforts to roll back net neutrality protections.”
