Recent Press Releases

Thune continues Ellsworth push

Senator to meet with task force again

April 29, 2005

Washington, D.C. —  Senator John Thune is making a final push to advocate for Ellsworth Air Force Base before the Pentagon releases its recommendations to the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) in mid-May.

After months of lobbying and advocating for Ellsworth, Thune will again meet with the Ellsworth Task Force in Rapid City next Wednesday, May 4. Thune previously met with the Task Force in December 2004, and his staff has met regularly with the Task Force over the past few months

“Ellsworth is a vital part of our national defense and local economy,” Thune said. “Working together, we are doing everything possible to make sure the Pentagon understands Ellsworth’s value to our nation and state.”

The Pentagon is scheduled to release its list of recommended base closures to the BRAC by May 16. The BRAC reviews the list and then makes a determination whether to add or remove bases from the list.

Thune has advocated Ellsworth’s strengths since his election in November, meeting with senior Administration and Pentagon officials including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Earlier this week, Thune met with incoming Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England and again raised the military value of Ellsworth. During his six years in the House of Representatives, Thune also helped fund several projects at Ellsworth, including housing facilities, a fire station, and a live ordinance loading area.