Dr. Boozman's Check-up

Pain at the Pump

Feb 22 2012

The average price of regular gasoline in Arkansas is up 20 cents from a month ago and the Associated Press reports the cost is the highest ever for this time of year. The reality of rising gas prices is a costly reminder of how dependent our country is on foreign oil. This story in today’s Arkansas Democrat Gazette (subscription required) shows why we need to stop relying on oil from countries that don’t like us. We need a reliable, dependable source of energy and that starts here at home. We need to use American energy resources and develop alternative fuel options to reverse the climbing prices at the pump.

Projects like the Keystone XL pipeline are necessary to increase our energy supply and security and put Americans back to work.

I have long supported legislation that puts billions of dollars of research into wind, solar, hydrogen and other technologies that will ease our dependence on foreign oil and gas, but we need relief now and American oil and gas are necessary and available.

Stimulus Strikes Out

Feb 17 2012

Three years ago today President Obama signed his ‘stimulus’ bill into law promising to keep unemployment below 8 percent and create 3.5 billion jobs.

In its “Understanding and Responding to Persistently High Unemployment” report released yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) describes how well the ‘stimulus’ worked.

“The rate of unemployment in the United States has exceeded 8 percent since February 2009, making the past three years the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. Moreover, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The official unemployment rate excludes those individuals who would like to work but have not searched for a job in the past four weeks as well as those who are working part-time but would prefer full-time work; if those people were counted among the unemployed, the unemployment rate in January 2012 would have been about 15 percent. Compounding the problem of high unemployment, the share of unemployed people looking for work for more than six months—referred to as the long-term unemployed—topped 40 percent in December 2009 for the first time since 1948, when such data began to be collected; it has remained above that level ever since.”

Since signing this failed legislation, we have experienced 36 straight months of unemployment over 8 percent and zero net jobs. The President’s empty promise cost taxpayers more than $800 billion and has left us with an even deeper hole in our national debt and little in return to show for it.

Answering Arkansans

"From the Mailbag"

Feb 15 2012

Senator Boozman answers questions Arkansans are asking. In this edition of "From the Mailbag" he discusses the federal budget, how the Department of Health and Human Service's contraceptive mandate violates religious liberties and the Department of Labor's proposed rule regulating the work youths can perform on family farms.

During last night’s newscast, KARK, Little Rock’s NBC station, took an in-depth look at how The Local Courthouse Safety Act could help enhance security in Arkansas’s smaller courthouses. 

Watch their story and then learn more about The Local Courthouse Safety Act here.

Yesterday, I joined Minnesota’s Senators Al Franken & Amy Klobuchar to introduce legislation aimed at addressing security concerns, like a lack of screening equipment and training at local courthouses.

This morning, violence struck at yet another courthouse when a gunman in a Middletown, N.Y. shot and wounded a court officer before he was shot several times and killed.

This is a stark reminder that our local courthouses, especially in rural and suburban areas, need to ensure employees and citizens are safe when they are attending to business.  Often, these smaller courthouses lack even basic security measures like metal detectors.

Courthouse violence is an issue that hits home.  Last September, James Ray Palmer entered the Crawford County Courthouse with intentions of shooting the judge.  The court was not in session and the judge was not there, which led Palmer began firing randomly shooting Vickie Jones, secretary of the circuit judge, in the leg.  Palmer was shot and killed by the responding officers.  Those heroic law enforcement officers from the Van Buren Police Department and the Crawford County Sheriff’s Department were honored for their bravery at a ceremony last night.

The goal of our bill is to help prevent these tragedies from taking place.  By providing local courts with access to security training, giving states authority to use existing grant money to improve courthouse security, and cutting through bureaucratic red tape to give local courts access to excess federal security equipment we can dramatically improve courthouse safety and cut down the violent attacks that have recently taken place in courthouses across the country.

We are fighting to end accounting tricks and budget gimmicks to rein in spending and get our fiscal house in order with by supporting the Honest Budget Act.

This is a 9-part legislative package to put an end to some of Congress’ most blatant and dishonest budget gimmicks. Since 2005 alone, the gimmicks addressed in the bill have enabled more than $350 billion in deficit spending while fostering a wider culture of fiscal irresponsibility. The Honest Budget Act is a crucial step towards making Washington more responsible—and more accountable—with how it spends taxpayer dollars.

Gimmick Fixes In The HBA:

  • Make it harder to move appropriation bills unless a budget resolution is already in place;
  • Tighten the process for adding the “emergency” designation to spending measures, an often-abused method for avoiding the fiscal restraints imposed by the budget resolution;
  • Improve current law by measuring the cost of loan and loan guarantee programs using a market default risk rate that reflects the loans’ fair value;
  • Adopt a rule that would prevent scoring rescissions of budget authority as savings unless they produce actual cash savings in the budget window;
  • Prevent changes in mandatory spending programs from being used as budgetary savings in discretionary (non-mandatory) spending bills;
  • Establish a new scoring rule that would prohibit the use of timing shifts for the purposes of producing phony budget savings;
  • Make President Obama’s two-year federal pay freeze real by eliminating automatic within-grade step increases through the end of 2012;
  • Require transfers from the General Fund to bail out the Highway Trust Fund to be scored as new spending. Since 2008, turning a blind eye has led to $35 billion in transfers that were scored as “budget neutral”; and
  • Prevent abuse of advance appropriations by reinstating the budget point of order limiting Congress’ ability to defer increased spending to future years in order to make room for more immediate needs in the current year (and then argue later that the spending limits in subsequent years should be raised to accommodate the deferred spending).

Members in the House introduced companion legislation on Tuesday and I was happy to join my colleagues in both chambers to show my support for this bill in a press conference Wednesday.

Read the following story published in the Times Record about the Honest Budget Act and our call for passage. - Arkansas Lawmakers Back ‘Honest’ Budgets

The Obama administration is at it again.  With its latest overreaching mandate, the President is now demanding that many religious institutions—including church-run hospitals and universities—provide contraception in employee health plans even if they are opposed by the church.

There is a story in today’s edition of Politico on what led President Obama to this decision.

The key takeaway: 

“The handling of the issue offers a hint of Obama’s approach to governing and campaigning in 2012: When confronted with a position close to his heart — and dear to the base — Obama is increasingly inclined to side with people who will vote for him even if it means enraging those who might, but probably won’t, vote for him.” [Emphasis added]

The problem with governing in this manner is obvious.  Violating the religious liberties and conscience rights of faith-based institutions to appease your base is not leading by the values by which our country was established.  Instead, it’s yet another instance where President Obama has shown that his top concern in an election year is protecting his own job.

In an effort to fight this overreach, I cosponsored the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2012, a bill to repeal this violation of religious liberties.  Forcing religious employers to furnish birth control, even when that runs counter to their beliefs, is a blatant infringement on First Amendment rights.  This commonsense bill would protect religious organizations from being forced to compromise their beliefs at the whim of the Obama administration and exempt them from this mandate. 

The seemingly endless number of regulations this administration has handed down on the American people needs to end.  Let’s force the President to govern in a manner that respects the values of the American people, not just his base.  Passing this bill and restoring respect for religious liberties is a good place to start. 

Did you listen to our radio interviews on your drive into work this morning? If not, I want to share our conversations with Mark Smith from KASU in Jonesboro and Saxon Coates with KBJT-KQEW in Fordyce. We discussed tonight’s State of the Union address, the Keystone XL Pipeline, the ‘recess’ appointments, unrest in the Middle East and our recent visit to Northeast Arkansas. Listen to our discussion on KASU and to hear the KBJT-KQEW interview click on the link below.

1,000 Days...

Jan 24 2012

Tonight, President Obama will come before Congress and deliver his annual State of the Union address to the American people.  There is no doubt he will spend a considerable amount of time chastising Congress for what he feels is its “inaction” on his priorities.  Unfortunately, he will likely direct his frustrations at the wrong chamber. 

It is an eerie coincidence that the President’s State of the Union speech falls on the 1,000th day since Majority Leader Reid’s caucus has passed a budget, but a coincidence that can serve as a reminder to the American people about who is failing to heed their calls to get our spending in order.  Instead of lecturing the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, President Obama should press the Senate Majority on its inability to pass a budget.  After all, “fiscal responsibility” is one of the President’s priorities, at least according to the White House website. 

The Washington Examiner’s editorial board today reminded the President that members of his own party are holding up his supposed priorities.  Moreover, they are shirking their responsibilities to the American people by refusing to produce a blueprint for the nation’s spending.  Instead of making any tough decisions about where spending is truly necessary, Senate Majority Leader Reid and his caucus have continued to run up our national debt to record levels while forcing America to accept what they pass in last-minute bills to avoid a government shutdown.  This is not how anyone serious about addressing excessive federal spending operates.

The President can show that he is serious about getting our fiscal house in order by calling on the Senate Majority to pass a budget.  It is a good opportunity for him to offer more than lip service on the issue by pressing his own allies in Congress to act.  However, it is unlikely that will happen considering he will be late with his own proposal this year

What is more likely is that President Obama will once again blame House Republicans, the only legislators who produced a budget that passed.  It is the only budget that has received support since his inaugural address to Congress.  Mr. President, it is time to stop blaming those who are offering solutions and direct your attention to those who have failed to act—the Senate Majority. 

Honoring our Veterans

Jan 24 2012

250,000 veterans call Arkansas home. In Washington we work to ensure these patriots get the help they deserve for putting their lives on the line and serving our country in uniform.

These men and women selflessly sacrificed their lives for our freedoms, values and interests of our country. Unfortunately, our troops don’t always receive the medals they earn during their military service and we are helping honor them for their service during medal presentations.

Our Military and Veterans Liaison, Col. Steve Gray (ret.), has traveled all across the state recognizing the service of our veterans. Here are three of the stories from the past week about well-deserved honors for Arkansas veterans.

Medals finally come to Vietnam War hero – Newton County Times

Area Veterans Receive Long-Awaited Medals – 40/29

Six Arkansans Receive Military MedalsTimes Record