Emergency Contact


If you have a family emergency and can not reach your cadet via phone, text or email, you can call Central Guard Room (CGR). CGR is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - (845) 938-3030. In addition, if there has been a death in the family, please contact the Red Cross or 877 272-7337.

The Red Cross helps with the verification in order for the chain of command to make a decision regarding emergency leave. If you need to reach a member of your cadet's TAC team - Brigade Tactical Department Contact List .

Contact Us!


If you have any questions about the information on this page, please feel free to contact us via email.

Parent Resources

Parent Handbook

The purpose of this booklet is to help parents understand and meet the unique challenges of having a son or daughter attend West Point. Please keep in mind cadets do need to navigate much of the 47-month experience on their own, but we hope you will find this information helpful as you support your son or daughter in their education and training to become a leader of character.

Academic Calendar

Keep track of all the events and activities happening at West Point as well as important dates and deadlines.

Happening At West Point

Click on link below each image for detailed information about upcoming events:

Video Message for Parents