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International Trade (Anti-Dumping)

Foreign manufacturers engage in the practice of “dumping” when they export products to the U.S. at prices below the established domestic market price or when they ship excessive quantities of products that cannot be explained by normal market competition. World Trade Organization (WTO) members, including the U.S., may take action to offset injurious dumping of products imported from another member under Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Under the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration regulations, U.S. domestic firms may file antidumping petitions claiming that imported goods are priced at "less than fair value." The International Trade Commission may find there is “injury” to the U.S. domestic industry and impose “antidumping” duties on imported goods at a percentage rate calculated to counteract the dumping margin. The U.S. Trade Representative monitors trading partners' activities, enforces U.S. rights under trade agreements, and negotiates and signs trade agreements that advance the President's trade policy.

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Showing 1-20 of 21329 results since 1994. View 21309 more results.

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