Biden’s Inflation Tax is Crushing Families Across the Country

Across every state in the country, families are paying more for just about everything because of skyrocketing inflation, which was caused by Joe Biden and House Democrats’ reckless spending and failed Far Left agenda. 

MAKE NO MISTAKE: Inflation is a tax on ALL Americans. House Republicans have made a commitment to an economy that’s strong, and when we earn the majority, we will rein in reckless spending and fight for pro-growth tax policies so families can keep more of their hard-earned money. 

See below for state-by-state inflation info, according to the Foundation for Government Accountability.



  • Inflation is a tax on all Americans.
  • In September, the CPI came in “hotter” than expected at 8.2% for the 12 months ending September.
  • Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation: 
  • Inflation has outpaced workers’ wages for 18 months in a row under Joe Biden’s watch. 
  • Owners’ equivalent rent index also increased 0.8% over the month, the largest monthly increase in that index since June 1990.
  • Health insurance had the largest increase ever which increased by over 28% over the last year.
  • The skyrocketing cost of goods and services will cost the average American household over$700 a month, which adds up to over $8,000 a year.